सामग्री पर जाएँ

पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/३०६

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

236 NOTES ON मानःस्वकीयगरुङ्गमनमात्रा चेष्टा यस्य इति च स्फुरति । स्वपक्ष...वृत्ति ( with the youth ) may also mean ‘ whose business is only to defend his own side' अनिरूपित.वादी who speaks without observing whether the person (or place) before whom he speaks is proper or impro. per. A parrot repeats what it is taught ab any place and before anybody. Ar , remarka ‘एषा तपस्विनी एवं वक्तुमयुक्तमित्यनिरूपितस्थानास्थानं वदन्, पक्षिवा (पक्षी अव १)चनीयवचनं गुरुसंनिधावपि वक्ति । ? Ar: reads वक्तमेव for वक्तमेवं, which seems better (meaning fyou are only taught to 2pal and not to adcrstand bhe proper time and meaning of what you speak') तेन therefore ( because you speak without understanding the meaning ). एकान्त ..पादितवानसि have you not engendered anger ( in me ), you who are an object of unalloyed ridicule inasmuch as you talk thus (what is improper ). एकान्त invariable, absolute, excessive. ‘तीनैकान्तनितान्तानि’ इत्यमरः. न क्रोधमुत्पा दितवानसि is to be understood as a question. If we understand bhe words to be a mere assertion, the sentence will mean you, bhough an object of excessive ridicule, have not angered me' But this would be opposed to what she did in the sequel, vi that she invoked the moon to turn him into a bird. It may perhaps he urged that she did not mean it as a curse but simply wanted to give him his due. All the same, she was angry with him, as will be clear from the opening words of her speech आः पाप &c.त्वदुक्ते दुखिता being grieved at your words. संविभाग करोमि I shall make this allotment of your proper share to you Arremarks ‘सम्यग्विभागः संविभागः, शुकजातौ निक्षेप्तुं योग्यस्य शुकजातावेवं निक्षेपणं सम्यग्विभागः, येन by which ( e. e. if you are given your proper lot and are made a parrot ). न...कामयसे you will not make love to women ike me. चूडामणिः the crostjewel a false lover 8. e. one whose advances of love are disagreeable. मदुदीरितायां जातौ in the species that I uttered (via, parrot). न वेद्मि किमसह्य-..सामर्यादेव I do not know whether on account of the violence of the fever of Love whose working was unbearable, or whether on account of the gravity of his own misdeeds that were ready to yield him bheir fruit, or whether by the very power of my own words. वृत्तिर्यस्य. सद्यः (तत्क्षणे ) विपाकः यस्य, विपाकः असा means the result of actions done either in this or a former birth. It is the dogma of the Vedanta that one's next birth is determined by one's most prominent कर्म (good or evil) at the termination of one's life . Compare for the use of विपाक in this sense रघुवंश 14. 62 ‘ममैव जन्मान्तरपातकानां विपाकविस्फूर्जथुरप्रसह्यः .A.