सामग्री पर जाएँ

पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/३०४

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

284 NOTES ON with themselves. उदा-. पूरेण who was as if borne upon the food of moonlight bhat overspread the quarters. This means that he was coming towards me rapidly and mechanically as if borne by a food. रणरणकेन शन्यम् who was absent-minded through the tor ment of love. Ar. explains as ‘व्याकुलताशून्यचित्तम् उच्छुष्कं आननं यस्य whose face was withered (& e. without brightness or colour) प्रोन्मुक्तं...कृपणतया who was bereft of mental firmness and was re sorted (lit. accepted ) to by wretchedness. This means that he had no firmness and had grown wretched, अवधीरितं धैर्येण apurned steadiness of mind z.e. he had no steadiness left, संगृहीतं तरलतया he was seized upon by fickleness. अधिगतं धाष्टर्येन he was seized (lit. obtained) by impudence. दूरीकृतं ..विवेकेन destitute of the fear of bhe next world, wanting in the discrimination of what is proper and improper. Ar explains ‘स्वरुच्या अङ्गीकृतत्वात् केवलस्वरुच्यवलम्बनात् अस्याः स्पर्शदोषेण मे निरयपतनं भवेत् इति भीत्या विरहितम्. He would incur sin and fall into hell hy touching a woman who was not his wife. But he was unmindful of that, संकल्प ...स्थितम् who was under the sole sway of Loveसंकल्पात् ( fancy, imagination ) जन्म यस्य स संकल्पजन्मा मदनःCompare ‘किं क्रूरं स्त्रीहृदयं किं गृहिणः प्रियहिताय दारगुणाः । कः कामः संङ्कल्पः किं दुकरसाधनं प्रज्ञा । दशकुमारचरित; ‘काम जानामि ते रूपं सङ्कल्पादेव जायसे. आविष्टम् possessed by a ghost. उन्मादादापतन्तम् who came towards me running through the intoxication of love. ‘चित्तसंमोह उन्मादः कामशोकभयादिभिः साहित्यदर्पण. दूरतोऽपि...भाव्यमानं who was clearly marked even from a distance on account of the moonlight that was not different (i. ethat was as clear as) from daylight. तमेव युवानम्--this refers to वैशम्पायन, who had address ed her onco (see text p. 66 1. 1-१) and about whom she had told तरलिका (text p. 67 . 3–6). P. 68 1. 18-p. 69 1. 26दृष्ट्वा च-.प्लावितवती- निःस्पृहाप्यात्मनि though I was indifferent to myself ( I did not care for myself, I was ready to ). परं भयम्---her fear was due to bhe fact bhat she die might be polluted by bha touch of the youbh. मयेदं..स्रष्टव्यम् । must give up this body that is accursed and unfortunate (because it was polluted by the touch of the unknown youbh). तत् there fore (i. e. if I kill myself in the case snpposed ). पुन...प्रत्याशया with the hope of seeing again. दुःखोत्तरम् full of miseries. व्यर्थतां यातम्—ahe continued to live even when her lover पुण्डरीक was dead with bhe hope of being reunited with him. If she were to kilm herself when touched by the youthall bhe miseries which she so far had endured would bave been endured in vain. कुसुमशरः मदनः तस्य सहायः ( friend ). अशरणम् (अविद्यमानं शरणं यस्य ) without