सामग्री पर जाएँ

पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/२६३

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

KADALIBAR. 22B (वैशम्पायनस्य) वियोगः तस्मात् जन्म यस्य–this qualifies अन्तःखेदः अनुपदमेव just after me. यच्च---वमिति-तुल्योऽभूवम् is a misprint for तुल्यो भूवम्—that I did not go (to bring back वै०) from the very spot where I heard (of the account aboub वै० ) was due to my idea that I may not be like him (not because I did not love him). वैo stayed away without his fathers permission. If च० had gone in search of वै० without taking his father's permission, he would have been as guilty of disobedience as वै० wa5. मा भूवम्—the -augment अ (of Imperfect and Aorist ) is dropped when the prohibitive particle मा is used in the sentenceप्रतिगमनदोषात् from the fault of not going back (to bring वै० P. 51 1. 17-9 53 1. 3. इत्यभिहितवति-चन्द्रापीडस्य मुखे on the face (of तारापीड) that was red on account of the उपराग (} redness ; 2 blighting influence, injury ) due to inner pain and which therefore resembled a red lotus. उपराग when appl to lotus means the injurious effect (produced by frost, snow Compare रघुवंश 16. 7. बिभर्षि चाकारमनिर्दूतानां मृणालिनी सपक्ष•.निवेश्यैव having fixed his eye that, like a row of bees, was सपक्षपाता (1 that favoured the proposal ; 2 bhat ifies on wings ). पक्षपातेन सह सपक्षपाता ( with दृष्टि ). पक्षाभ्यां पातः पक्षपातः तेन सह सपक्षपाता (with bees ). शुकनासs eye showed that he approved of च०'s proposal to go for वै०The pupil of the eye was dark-blue and hence is compared to a row of bees. मया ज्ञातम् I thought to myself एतेष्वेव दिवसेषु on (one ) of these days ( in the संपूर्ण-..वषं द्रक्ष्यामि I shall see my daughter-in-law near future ). resting (her hand) on my sons hand as if she were the moonlight depending upon the rays of the full moon. सम्पूर्णं मण्डलं यस्य करं (हस्तं) अवलम्बते इति ( with वधं) and करान् (किरणान् अवलम्बते इति ( with ज्योत्स्नां) . एतेष्वेव...द्रक्ष्यामि is the object of शतम्, अपरो..पातितः this incident about वै० has been thrown in the way by Fate which is by nature perverse ( विलोम ), which (incident ) will cause an obstacle (in the way of fulfilling my desire to get च० married soon ) and which, like the rainy season, is अन्तर्हिताशपथ. अन्तर्हितः आशायाः पन्थाः येन ( with ०वृत्तान्तः) that has destroyed my hopes; अन्तर्हितः आशानां दिशां पन्थाः येन (with जलदकाल ) that covers the quarters. an obstacle. ‘विनोऽन्तरायः प्रत्यूहः' इत्यमरः. विलोमा (विपरीता ) प्रकृतिः यस्य विधात्रा (विधिन) ‘विधाता विश्वसुइ विधिः' इत्यमरः निस्तरितव्यो..पोतेन this ocean of calamity must be crossed by this boat. पोत also means boy' and would apply to च० also. यानपात्रे शिशौ पोतः' इत्यमरः. व्यसनं (च्यसनं विपदि ग्रंशे दोषे कामजकोपजे’ इत्यमरः) एव अर्णवः . गणकैः with astrologers. आदरात् carefully. दिवस...रूपयतु