सामग्री पर जाएँ

पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/२५३

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

KADAMBAR 21B 1 affectionate (or being full of passions ) become cold to their parents etc. by the lapse of days. भूतिपरामृष्टा (1) touched by riches; (2) rubbed with ashes. आभिमुख्येन (1) on account of the favourableness (of others); (2) when others stand in front of it. प्रतीपं गृहन्ति (1) understand topsy-tury, take a wrong view(2) refect in the opposite order. It is well-known that the right hand of an image reflected in a mirror corresponds to bhe left band (of the original) and vice versa. Compare मृच्छकटिक I. ‘मम पुनः ब्राह्मणस्य सर्वमेव विपरीतं परिणमति । आदर्शगता इव च्छाया वामतो दक्षिणा , दक्षिणतो वामा । ‘भूतिर्भस्सनि सम्पदि' इत्यमरः. अन्तर...वृत्तयः (!) whose minds are sinfu (अन्त अस्वच्छा मलिना वृत्तयः येषाम् ); (2) which are transparent in the middle ( अन्तरे मध्ये स्वच्छा वृत्तिः येषा). गाढावगाह नेनैव (1) by diving deep into their thoughts and feelings(2) by plunging deep (into the water ). का लुष्यमुपयान्ति (1) they become more sinful or more irritated; (2) they become muddy. The waters of lakes are free from mud in the middle; but if we plunge deep cnough, we shall raise up the mud lying at the bottom and render all the water turbid. Similarly says Ar ‘एते अनिर्मलचित्ता गाढसौहार्देन क्रोधमुपयान्ति. P. 47 निग्धेष्वपि रूक्षाः who are harsh (hard, not smooth ) even to those who are निग्ध ( affectionate; oily). कज़ straight; straightforward. वक्र crooked (both literally and metaphorically). भर्तर्येपि अभृत्यात्मानः who do not conduct themBelves as servants towards even those who are their masters. Ar, says ‘भर्तरि पोपितरि अभृत्यात्मानः वयमनेन पोषिता इति अमन्वानाः रागिष्वपि.आदित्सवः who are angry with even those who have affection for them who desire to size (wealth or objects) cven from those who are free from desires. ईहा wish. आदित्यु is formed from the desiderative base of दा witl आ by the affix उ—See note above on मुमुक्षु ( p. 206). भीते..अँपिणः who strike even those that are afraid, who hate even those that are full of affection for them. To strike one who runs in fear was looked upon as an act of cowardice. उद्धत impu• dent, नाम्-N explains as Ar explains as सर्वप्रतिकूलानाम् सर्वजगद् विपरीतमालक्षितं भवति । ’. गुरवोऽपि लघवः even गुरुङ (heavy things ; elders ) are लघु (light; not worthy of respect). Explain the following similarly, Ar comments ‘कथं गुरव एव लघवः । भारयुक्ताः पदाथो: लाघवयुक्ता न भवन्ति । येषां गुरव एव लघवो भवन्ति पित्रादयोऽपि लङ्घनीया भवन्तीत्यर्थः ।’. नीचाः (1) lying low; ( 2 } villainslow person5. उच्चैः (1) standing on high; (2) noble. अगम्याः not fit to be approached. Ar explains *एषामगम्याः स्त्रिय एव गम्या भवन्ति कुदृष्टिः (1) bad sight; (2) false doctrineS.