सामग्री पर जाएँ

पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/२३५

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

KADAMBARM. 19B देवेभ्यः प्रजया पितृभ्यः एष वा अनृणो यः पुत्री यज्वा ब्रह्मचारी वाऽस्ति’ तैत्तिरीयसंहिता VI. 3. 10. 5. Similarly the ऐतरेयब्राह्मण says that the father discharges a debt by producing a son ‘कणमस्मिन् संनयति--पिता पुत्रस्य जातस्य पश्येच्चेज्जीवतो मुखम् ॥ The मनुस्मृति also says ऋणानि त्रीण्यपाकृत्य मनो मोक्षे निवेशयेत् । अनपाकृत्य मोक्ष तु सेवमानो व्रजत्यधः । अधीत्य विधिवद्वेदान् पुत्रांश्चोत्पाद्य धर्मतः। इष्ट्वा च शक्तितो यशैर्मनो मोक्षे निवेशयेत्।’ मनु० VI35-36. ऋणत्रयेण वद्धः--See the verses quoted aboveThe text speaks of the debt of मनुष्य, while the quotations given above speak of ऋषिऋण. वैशम्पायन had clearly not discharged his debt to gods and Manes. चन्द्रापीड points this out in the following clauses. प्रतिष्ठा stability, permanenceThis sentence shows that वै० had not discharged his debt to पितृs. अनन्त...इष्टम् he has not performed the great sacri fices (such as ज्योतिष्टोम etc.) in which very large fees are to be paid (to the त्विs ). अनन्ता दक्षिणा येषु. This shows that he had not discharged his debt to the gods. सत्र...मेदिनी he has not decked the earth with works such as a place of refugewells, SeenS प्रासादः), lakes, gardens (आरामः) etc. to be used in its etymological sense, that which commemorates or glorifies' ( from the root ऋत् 10th cony. is a place where houseless people are housed and fed. सत्रमाच्छा सदादाने वने ऽपि च' इत्यमरः ‘प्रपा पानीयशालिका' इत्यमरः. ‘हम्नॅदि धनिनां वासः प्रासादो देवभूभुजाम्' इत्यमरः. ‘आरामः स्यादुपवनं कृत्रिमं वनमेव यत्’ In सत्रकूप-.रामादिभिः the author refers to what is called पूर्तकर्म, the other closely associated with it being इष्ट. ‘वापीकूपतडागादि देवतायतनानि च । अन्नप्रदानमारामाः पूर्तमार्याः प्रचक्षते । '. न आकल्प-..कीर्णम्, he has not spread his fame lasting till the end of a कल्प and going in all the quarters. आकल्पं तिष्ठतीति. दिंशो याति इति दिशोयायि A कल्प is a day of ब्रह्म and is equal to 1000 times of the period of four युगs ( कृत, त्रेता, द्वापर and कलि ) ४. e. to a period of 4320000,000 human years. At the end of a कल्प the whole universe is destroyed and remains there for one कल्प and is again produced. Compare भगवद्भीता ‘सहस्रयुगपर्यन्तमहर्यद् ब्रह्मणो विदुः । रात्रि युगसहस्रान्तां तेऽहोरात्रविदो जनाः ? VIII. 17. See विष्णुपुराण VIL. 3 and 4 for a description of कल्प- अनुवृत्त्या | by obedience. न प्रणयिनः..नीतः ho has not made his friends as rich as himself. निर्विशेषः ( निर्गतः विशेषः difference ' यस्मात् ) विभवः यस्य स निर्विशेषविभवः तस्य भावः ०विंभवता. संविभक्ताः endowed with a gift. नाभ्याग...निस्तृपः he has not made the guests free from desire ( for money ). निर्गता तृट् येषां ते निस्तृपः. जातेन by one who is born. पुरुषार्थसाधनानां that are the means of obtaining the goals of man (the goals of human existence).