सामग्री पर जाएँ

पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/२२५

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

KADAMBAR. 785 P. 83. 1, 9-26. दृष्ट्वा वेगेनावहृत् अचिन्तितं आगमनं यस्य सः hose arrival is unexpected. छत्र ..पुत्रलोकः who left behind (/%. forbad) all the princes together with his symbols (of royalty) such as the umbrella and the chowries. चामरम्"चमयोः इदम् chowrie made of the tail of the चमरी ( deer ). स्वचित्रैः is to be connected with निवारित in the compound निवारिताशेष९. जवविशेषणा- हिभिः that ran with special Speed (जवः). त्रिचतुरैः–श्रयो वा चत्वारो वा त्रिचतुराः ( बहुव्रीहि ). मूर्धान..तरीयेण having covered his head with bia upper germent. रयविशेषग्राहिणा = जवविशेषग्राहिण IT. नाना-..लोकम् qualifies स्कन्धावारम्-नानाव्यापारेषु (in various actions) व्यग्राः (occupied) नकललोकाः यस्मिन् अचिन्तितः एव quite unexpectedly. प्रत्यावासकम् at every tent (y abode. आवासके आवासके इति प्रत्यावासकम् (अव्ययीभावः वहन्नेव while riding (without getting down from his horse ). तस्य (आवासकस्य) संनिहिताभिःइतरत्वात् अप्रत्यभिज्ञाय bhey (the women ) did not recognize him because he seened to them a stranger (इतरः) or because he looked a common person on account of his coming with a very small escort and having covered his head ith his upper garment. For the use of इतर in the sense of 'common, vulgar, compare ‘अद्य तु इतर इव परिभूय शानं..मन्मथेन जडीकृत' p. 154. of P ‘यदि तावत्---इतरकन्यकेव विहाय लज्जाम् are. (p. 160 of P.). यथारब्ध...वदनाभिः who remained occupied in such actions as they had begun and whose faces were full of tears and of vacant aspect. असंबद्धम् absurd, impossible. When the army, that च० had placed undor वैशम्पायन8 command, had come it seemed absurd to च० that वैशम्पायन should not have come, as said by the women. ताः प्रतारयन् not minding them (& . deceiv bhem ). अन्तभिन्न ..पृच्छन् not asking other women as his heart had been pierced inside (by sorrow). एवमेव as he was the same condition in which he was. उऽस्तः frightened. यूथात्परि भृशः तेन विलोलः agitated because he strayed from the herd. 'कलभः करिशावकः' इत्यमरः so करि in करिकलभक is redundant. उत्कर्ण इव तर्णकः like a calf with its ears erect. उदूतौ कण यस्य स उत्कर्णः ‘सद्यो जातस्तु तर्णकःइत्यमरः. क्षीरस्वामी derives it as * तृणोति अत्ति केवलं तर्णकः अचेत- यमानः not conscious of. आविष्ट: इव like one possessed (by a ghost). कटकं 3rmy. यावत् governs accusative, तादृशेनैव...वहत् he rode s swiftly as before. 10 P. 34. 1. 1–p. 35. 1. 19. अथेन्द्रायुध-.-वृत्तः प्रत्यभिज्ञानं recognition यातयेय at the mere news (that च० with a very small escort had left for the camp where वै ० was supposed to be). राजपुत्र–the princes that accompanied चन्द्रापीड when he set वै०. The soldiers of the army that came from out to welcome