सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

other scholars as not to require any specific mention. This may not have operated as a disadvantage so long as contemporary scholars carried on the practice of committing to memory an incredibly large number of authoritative texts and were, in fact, living and walking iibraries wherefrom reference to any authortative passage could be obtained automatically and with the greatest ease from the mere mention of the text under reference. In modern times, the race of such literary, giants is fast becoming extinct due to various causes so that modern scholars find it difficult to trace out the original sources of many of the passages quoted in ancient writings. In regard to authortative passages quoted in the present publication, our author has followed the ancient practice and has not given specififc references to original sources in many instances. It speaks volumes to the patient industry and scholarly zeal of our editors that they have been able to trace out the orginal sources of as many as 95% of the passages cited. The results of this stupendous labour are incorporated in the Appendices printed at the end of the work. It is difficult for me to find words to express my deep gratitude to Pandit Duraiswami Iyengar for the superb manner in which he has performed his labour of love and for the vast erudition, great enthusiasm and the incomparable devotion which he has brought to bear on the work of editing this publication. Śrīmān Duraiswami Iyengar bears with distinction the title of Śrī Deśika Darśana Durandhara bestowed upon him by learned pandits in recognition of his eminent services in spreading the message of Śri Vedānta Des'ika, the author of the present publicatlon. Naturally, the work of editing was undertaken by him in the spirit of a pious devotee preparing a worthy offering to be lovingly placed at the feet of his master, Nigamānta Guru of hallowed memory Where jñānam