सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

 6 ङ Fairly old , belongs to the Govt Oriental MSS Library, Madras written on palm-leaves, Shelf-number M 34-3, generally resembles घ in readings. From the damaged state of some leaves, it seems to be older even than घ. Several folia at the beginning are missing, and some are injured at the corners. The letters are slightly indistinct . This MS, which was apparently not accessible to earlier editors and which has already undergone decay due to age was fortunately secured in time for the good readings given therein to be utilised in the present edition.

 7 च Printed twenty three years ago (1919 A D ) at Bangalore in Telugu characters by Tūppal Venkatācārya. In point of readings as well as the style of printing, this is somewhat better than the Grantha editions noticed before.

 8 छ Palm leaf MS obtained from the Govt Oriental Library, Mysore , No 2498 Clearly written Complete , resembles very much घ and ङ in readings. The name of scribe and date of writings not known , perforatlon by insects has just set in , this must have been copied later than घ and ङ.

 9 ज. Palm leaf MS obtained from Govt Oriental Library, Mysore, No 3028 Incomplete , time of copying and name of scribe not noted. About the end of the Second Adhikāra which ends “विस्तरेण चाह योगमन्त्रे दक्ष: । तत्र चैषसार प्रोक्त । सर्वोपाधि....., ” some lines are missing

 10 झ From what is known so far, this appears to be the first printed edition of the Pañcarātraraksā . It was edited by Veliyanūr Śankhapuram Śrī Rāghāvacārya, and Kondanmūr Koyilunni Śrī Rāghāvacārya, and printed at the request of Kumbhakonam Tattai Śri Krsnamācārya, by Mādapūsi Pārthasārathyācārya. in Vikrama Samvatsara (A D 1880) in Madras in the Vyavahārataranginī Press Printed