सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

white Island" In any case , it is held that reference , to "Pāñcarātra" occurring in Chāndogya Upanisad[१] , [२], Rāmāyana[३] and Mahābhārata[४], point to the great antiquity of this Śastra.

 There are also references in ancient works like the above to the Sātvata and Bhāgavata schools of the Vaiśnava Āgama, but, in his Śri Bhāsya, the great commentary on the Vedānta Sūtras, Śri Rāmānuja treats the three terms- Bhāgavata. Satvata and Pāñcarātra -- as being almost synonymous.

The Author

 The author of the present publication is Śri Venkatanātha, the thrice- greatest Acārya, reverently referred to by his


  1. “ऋग्वेद भगवोऽध्येमि यजुर्वेद सामवेदमथर्वणवेद चतुर्थम्, इतिहासपुराण पञ्चम वेदाना वेदं पित्र्य राशि दैव निधिं वाको वाक्यम् एकायनम् " इति (VII I)
     Oh Sanatkumāra I have learnt Rigvedā Yajurveda Sāmavedā Atharvana Ekāvana etc The term Ekāyama. is taken to mean Pāñcarātra
  2.  "स एत पुरुषमेध पञ्चरात्र यज्ञक्रतुमपश्यन्”
       ---(Śatapatha Brāhmana XIII 6 1 1 )
  3.  पुराणैश्चैव वेदैश्च पाञ्चरात्रैस्तथैव च ।]
     ध्यायन्ति योगिनो नित्य क्रतुभिश्च यजन्ति तम् ॥
       (Rāmāyana, Uttarakānda Sarga 7 verse 16)
  4.  साख्य योग पाश्चरात्रं वेदारण्यकमेव च ।
     ज्ञानान्येतानि ब्रह्मर्षे लोकेषु प्रचरन्ति ह ॥
       --Śantiparva (Chap 359 verse 1)
     The whole section of thus parva called the Narayaniya (Chaps 344- 361) has references to this topic
     "इद महोपनिषद चतुर्वेदसमन्वितम् ।
     साङ्खययोगकृतान्तेन पञ्चरात्रानुशब्दितम् ॥
     नारायणमुखोद्भीर्ण नारदोऽश्रावयत् पुरा ।"
       --- Śantiparva (348-62 & 3)