as the books are the hardest of the lot. Pandit Gaigadhara P. Gokulachandra of the Raghunabha Temple, Jammu, who was mentioned by Dr. Stein in his letter to me as the proper per son to get the work accurately copied, was then applied to and he was kind enough to secure me a copy of the 10th, 11th, and 12bh Adhyayas. This Me is designated J. VII. The last and bhe most important Ms. collated is an obher Me in the Library of Government Sanskrit College, Benares. My attention to it was drawn by Mahamahopkdhyaya Sudhakara Dvivedfs article on Pandit Jagannabha in his GanalkatarafinkI applied to the Principal of the College who wrote to me as follows in reply to my letter:- वाराणसीस्वराजकीयसंस्कृतपाठशालीयपुस्तकाख्ये वर्तमानं जगत्राथसन्ना- आमाझ्या लिखितं रेलगणितपुस्तकें तु स्वछत्रये खण्डितं जीर्णे च । एवं स्थितेऽप्यत्यन्तावश्यके कथति खण्डशो गन्तुमर्हति न त्वेकदा सवै पुस्तकमिति विभाज्य पुनरप्यपेदितखण्डविषयकं पत्रं देयं भवद्भिरिति ॥ I replied to the Principal:- बगाथसम्राजामाच्या लोकमणिना लेखकेन लिलिता रेखागणित पयुज्यतरों मम । I then received the whole Ms, park by part. It is a very im• portant MsIt was copied for King Jayasimha himself by his order by the scribe Lokamani in the Savath year 1784 (A. D. 1728), & e. very shortly after the work was composed. The colophon of the Ms. runs as under:- युगवसुनगभू (२०४६) वर्षे शुचिशुक्ले युगतिथौ रवेवरे । म्यतिशयोकमणिः किल सव्राजमाझ्या पुस्तम् । It is thus the oldest Mcbhat can be secured and I need not say bhat I had great satisfaction in securing it. It is wanting • Being copied by the orders of Samraj about the time bhe work was composed as the colophon shewa, it is probable, ny almost certain, that it was made under the order of Jagannatha Samraj or the King himself. Jayasimha must have ordered out Jagannabha Samrjhis protege, to supply him with a copy and Jagannaha, in his turn, must have directed Lokamani probably his pupil, to do the work.
पृष्ठम्:Rekha Ganita.djvu/२४