पृष्ठम्:वेणीसंहारम् (आङ्गलटिप्पणीसहितम्).pdf/२६१

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति
Act VI, Notes & Translation











on taking It literally in the present, such a statement would be inconsistent with the definite account given by Panchalaka, on receiving which Yudhisthira and Droupadi are now aware that the combat was settled between Bhima and Duryodhana by the latter's own choice. And it was on the strength of this very information that Jayandhara ventured to contradict Charvaka's statement that he had come from the Scene of a combat between Arjuna and Duryodharma.

 St, 13. रणे क्रोधोदृगृर्णगदस्य मारुतेः सदृशः सत्यं नास्ति । कौरव्ये पुनर् यथा देवे सीरिण ( तथा ) इयं कृतहस्तता (विद्यते ) । उद्धृतधातराष्ट्रनलिनीनागाय में वात्साय स्वस्ति अस्तु । अहं तस्य सुयोधनेन समरं शङ्के नैव इतरेषाम् ।

 क्रोधदूगुर्जगदस्य--क्रोधेन उद्गूण गदा येन तस्य. उदृगूर्ण, Past. Part. of गुर with उत्.

 कृतस्तता-कृतः हस्तः (= अभ्यस्त हस्तकर्म) येन तस्य भावः. The state of being well practised in the use of arms; the state of being well skilled.

 उद्धत..... नागाय-उद्धताः धार्तराष्ट्राः एव नलिन्यः तासां नाग इव तथभूताय ।

 सौरिन्-The bearer of a plough (an epithet of Balarama); comp. हलिन्

 Translation :-There is, doubtless, no match in fight for the wind-born (Bhima) when he flourishes his made with fury; the Kaurava adversary (Duryodhana) likewise possesses skill in as high a degree as the Divine Balarama himself does. May it fare well with my child, who is, as it were, an elephant for (the destruction of the lotus plants in the shape of the haughty sons of Dhritarashtra. ! I did anticipate that he and not any of the rest would have a fight with him.

 क्षुद्वान् -Hungry; derived from क्षुध् with the Taddhita suffix, वत्.

 अतिथिः -A guest or a casual visitor; derived as (1) न विद्यते तिथिः अस्य इति, He who may turn up any day without appointment or (2) अतति इति from अत्, to be always on travel.

 चार्वाक-The source of this character and of the story of his treachery is to be traced to the Santiparvam in Mahabharata the author has borrowed from the Mahabharata but has invented a dramatic Scene and setting for what he has borrowed. अकाला$यं समुदाचारस्य- Etiquette is out of season now; form of polite behavior is unseasonable. 19