पृष्ठम्:वेणीसंहारम् (आङ्गलटिप्पणीसहितम्).pdf/२१५

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति
Act IV, Notes & Translation

tering, of course, with their rich accoutrements) elephants, horses and foot-soldiers of both the armies.

 पर्यस्त.......संघातेन–पर्यस्त; तेषां तेषां ( वीणा) गजघटानां संधातः तेन ( विस्तीर्यमाणेन अन्धकारेण )-(On account of darkness spread round also) by a large number of hosts of elephants belonging to different warriors lying about in disorder on the battle-field. ‘घटा' and 'संघात' are not both required.

 अन्धीकृतमुभयबलम्- Both the armies were rendered blind, as it were, (by the darkness &c.).

 दुराकृष्ट .....टङ्कारेण-दूरं आकृष्टः धनुर्गुणः तस्य आच्छोटनँ (comp; Marathi सोडणे), तस्य टड्कारः तेन, 0wing to the sharp twanging produced by the bow-string being let go after having been previously pulled a long way.

 ज्ञायते गर्जितं......जलधरेणेति - There arose (in the minds of onlookers) the impression that it was the thunder of the cloud of world-destruction.

 P. 55, अन्योन्य...पिशुनयोः ( कर्णभीमयोः ) अन्योन्ययोः सिंहनाद इव यद् गर्जितं तदेव पिशुनं ययोः तथाभूतयोः. Whose loud war-cries, resembling the roar of a lion, served to indicate their respective identities. पिशुन-' Indicative of something;' here indicative of their respective identities.'

 विविध......भासुरमु-विविधानि यानि परिमुक्तानि प्रहरणानि, तैः आहूते कवचे, ताभ्यां संगलितः ज्वलनः, स एव विध्युच्छटा (विद्युतां छटा = समूहः), तया भासुर (समरदुर्दिनम्). Which was lit up by lightning flashes in the shape of the sparks of fire Shot forth by their armours when these were struck by the various missiles discharged (by them at each other).

 गम्भीर......जलधरमू-गम्भीर स्तनितं ययोः तथाभूतौ चापौ एव जलधरौ यत्र तथाभूतं ( दुर्दिनम् )-Which was characterized by clouds in the shape of their bows the twanging of which was deep like thunder.

 प्रसर......वार्षि –प्रसरन्तः शरा एवं धारासहस्राणि, तानि वर्षांति तच्छीलं (दुर्दिनम् ) Which poured down myriads of streams, namely, the arrows that shot through the air.

 तयोः समरदुर्दिनं जातम्- Between them there arose a rainy day in the form of a scene of active fight.

 वज्रनिर्धातनिर्घोष......महावानरः वज्रस्य निर्घात:, तस्य निर्घोषः स इव विषमं रसितं यस्य तथाभूतः, ध्वजाग्रे स्थितः महावानरः यत्र तादृशः