पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/४४१

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

KADAMBAR. 401 Kullahabhatta 247 Meghadata 134, 159, 184, 244, Kumarasaibhava 121, 146 246, 274, 309 198, 205, 22l. 238, 285, Mrmanskas 312 319, 339 | Mind, four functions of 216 Lakshmi -said by poets Mechchha, characteris to be very fickle 13 tics of, 345 -spring from Kahf Mohamudgara 15] 198 | Moksha, defined 338 ras£gar, Letters, royal, carried on Moon, causes torment to their heads by servants 304 | lovesick persons ... 139, 26] Jightning, feeds on water 249 lord of lunar mansions 280 ILogic Sanskrit 219 { world of, position of ... 280 Lokanalas, witness the place of ejoyment 281 deeds of men 346 | Moonstone, melting at the rise of the moon 154, 175 said to be eight 347 Mother of the bride. M[ndhusudanaSarasvati ... 172, 331 groom, her importance 173 Magnet 313 MountainE. ---made the Mahabharata 225, 285, 315 earth steady 183 Mahabhashya 121, 181, 342 -had wings 197 Mahabisha, story of 31B -took shelter into tho S88 197 Mahakala, temple of, 308-09 Malaikagnimitra 148 | Mrichchhakajika 213, 235, 246 Malaya-breezes from, ex• M¢rityunjaya, japa , of. wards off disense and citants of Love 151, 363 death 389 Mallinatha 24309 Nahusha, story of 314 Mandara mountain-han. Naiyyika, Philosophy 311 dule in churning the sea_184, Nakshatras, the vivos of 207, 306 ॥ the moon 355 Mangala, necessity of 121 | Natyas'sbro 144, 34 Mantraspossessing mira Nautch-girls 177 culous powers 318 | Necklace, of poarls, said Manusmriti 187, 19, 194, to be cooling 238 195, 209, 214, 21, 239, 251, Negatives, tYo, make one 252, 263, 285.319 &c. affirmative 188 Marriage, of brees and Mitis'ataka 197, 208 Creepers 27 4 Oceans-seven or for 184, 231 Gandharva form of, 373 -churning of. for Matrix (divine Mothers) 300 jewels 184, 198, 207, 30B Medicine, in ancient Omem, shedding of tears India 209 at startingan evil ono 228