पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/४१३

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

KADALIBAR. 33 , (sage वेतकेतु) who knows the inner feelings ( or thoughts) of bhe whole world to send this message ? शुकनास means -वेतकेतु could read the thoughts of my heart and could have seen how deeply I loved वैशम्पायन (पुण्डरीक ) and that it was not necessary that I should be told to love him. सर्वथा---सन्तोषः this (& e. sending me a message for loving पुण्डरीक) is all due to the fact that affection is never satisfied. He means that वेतकेतु loved bim dearly and could not rest Eatisfied till he had done every bhing for पुण्डरीक and so sent bbe message to me. Ar. explains ‘अथवा शतं मया । अयमादेशः नेहस्य असन्तोषः नेहस्यातिशयवाञ्छा लेहातिशयेनै वमादिष्टमिति. Another interpretation is possible I (शुकनास) cannot love him sufficiently; I am not satisfied with the love I bestow on him. But this is not so easily obtained as the first meaning <nd is not so good as the former. Read for ०: लापैः which is a misprint. पूर्व-..in conversa लापैः tion concerning the recollections of his former birth. परस्परालोकन खेन उत्फुले लोचने ययोः. अचेतितैव without being conscious of it, ithout their observing it. night त्रियामा क्षणदा क्षपा’ इत्यमरः //8 क्षणं अवसरं ददाति इति क्षणदा विश्रान्तिप्रदा इत्यर्थः. मदिरा the queen was of चित्ररथ and गौरी of इंस. लज्जिता...हृदययोः whose hearts were gladderned by approaching their daughters that had hung down lheir heads bashfully. लज्जिता आत्मजा (पुत्री ) तस्याः उपगमः तेन मुदितं हृदयं ययोः Both कादम्बरी and महाश्वेता became लज्जित when heir parents arrived. जामातृदर्शनेन समुत्फुडं वदनं ययोः. अतुभूता संबन्धकस्य उचिता संवादकथा याभ्यांwho engaged in conversation ( with तारापीड and शुकनास ) that was proper for their alliance with bhem. सहस्रगुणः multiplied a thousand-fold P. 119 ]l. 3-16 अथ -प्रत्यपद्यताम्तस्सिन्-refers to महोत्सव in the preceding line. विद्य...क्रियते why are these rejoicings cele- brated in the forest when our palaces exist ? यद्यप्य-..विवाहः although this union brought about by the mutual liking (of the bride and bridc-groom is derived from धर्म with affix य (यत्) according to 'धर्मपथ्यर्थे न्यायादनपेते' पा० IV. 4. 92. He refers to the fact that he bein a गन्धर्व, the गान्धर्व form of marriage in which the mutual consent of the bride and the bridegroom is the only requisite would be the most appropriate one for his daughter (कादम्बरी ). The गान्धर्व form is defined as ‘इच्छयाऽन्योन्यसंयोगः कन्यायाश्च वरस्य च । गान्धर्वः स तु विज्ञेयो मैथुन्यः कामसम्भवः मनुस्मृति III. 32or by याशवल्क्य as 'गान्धर्वः समयान्मिथ , 6. तथापि...वर्तनीय एव 8till the customs of the people must be followed & e. we must perform the various rites 32