पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/२३८

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

198 NOTES ON अवस्थानं तैः प्रहरः अस्य (रक्षणार्थं) अस्तीति प्राहरिकः or प्रहरे भवः प्राहरिकः लक्ष्म्या सह सलक्ष्मीकम् (बहुनीहि ). The watchmen stood roun। the tent in a circle which thus resembled the whirlpool in a sea. The tent was full of majesty (लक्ष्मी ) and great men. At the churning of the ocean लक्ष्मी and other jewels (in all 14 ) were churned out of it. See above (p. 184 for सागरमन्थन). वाण limself mentions लक्ष्मी as arising out of क्षीरसागर together with other jewels ‘इयं...लक्ष्मीः क्षीरसागरात्पारिजातपलवेभ्यो रागमिन्दुश कलात् एकान्तवक्रतामुच्चैःश्रवसश्चञ्चलतां कालकूटान्मोहनशक्तिं मदिराया मदं कौस्तुभ णेनैऋर्यमित्येतानि...गृहीत्वैवोद्भता’ (p. 104 1. P-11 of P). It is usual to speak of an excellent man as रन- मल्लिनाथ says ‘जातौ जातौ यदुत्कृष्टं तंद्रत्नमभिधीयते. Compare भर्तृहरिं सृजति तावदशेषगुणाकरं पुरुपरत्र मलंकरणं भुवने सहंस...प्रकरैः which seems to be full of rows of swana with the white banners, and full of lines of foam with the masses of flowers. हंसऽ are white and hence the banners are compared to them. Howers most of them white ) that were spread in side and outside the tenth looked ike foamwhich is seen on the shore of a sea. Here end the details of the comparison of the tent with the sea. हरि...करं attended with various kinds of enjoyment, like विष्णुः अनन्त ..करम् applies to हरि also (meaning whose attendants were the hoods of the serpent शेष' ). अनन्ताः भोगाः (objects of enjoyment ) परिकरः यस्य ( with कायमान ). अनन्तस्य (शेषस्य) भोगाः (फणाः, कायाः) परिकरः ( परिवारः) यस्य ( with हारि ). ‘भोगः सुखे ख्यादिश्रुतौ अहेश्व फणकाययोःइत्यमरः शेषोऽनन्तो वासुकिस्तु सर्पराजोऽथ गोनसे' इत्यमरः. शेष is supposed to have one thousand heads and as forming the couch of विष्णु or as supporting the entire world on his head. Compare कुमारसंभव III. 13 ‘व्यादिश्यते भूधरतामवेक्ष्य कृष्णेन देहोद्वहनाय शेपः. Compare वासवदत्ता ‘सागरशायीव अनन्तभोगिचूडामणि 3 , प्रतूितिपाद्यैR';a१ कार्यालय हn be कायमान as कायस्य इव मानं यस्य (which is as high as the human body) P. 41 ll. 4-24. प्रविश्य...उदतिष्ठत्. अगृहीत...वेषाभिः whose dress was dirty because they had not decorated bheir bodyअगृ हीतं प्रतिकर्म ( decoration, toilet) याभिः तासां भावः अगृहीतकर्मता तया ‘आकल्पवेषौ नेपथ्यं प्रतिकर्म प्रसाधनम्' इत्यमरः. प्रत्यकं कर्म प्रतिकर्म. क्षीरस्वामी distinguishes between वेष and प्रसाधन (the meaning of प्रतिकर्म ) follows ‘वेषो हि वस्त्रालंकारमाल्यप्रसाधनैरङ्गशोभा, प्रसाधनं तु समालम्भनं तिलक पत्रभङ्गादिना. यामिकः a_watchman (from याम m ); compare the formation of प्राहरिक explained above. आलोक..दृष्टिः casting a vacant eye on गन्धमादन who (whose presence) was told to hin by 88 ,