पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/१७२

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

132 NOTES ON sitting down. अशजन॥।हेतुम् who is simply a cause of mocking ignorant people (like myself). विप्रलम्भकं deceiver, तदलमनया... कथया enough of this talk of bringing him back. This is said in extreme dejection and despair. इति अभिदधाना &c. पयत्रलेखा so far repeated to चद्रापीड what कादम्बरी said to her. अतर्कि...ताक्षी who closed her eyes as if she fainted all of a sudden. अतर्कितं आगता मूर्छा यस्याः सा. पक्ष्माग्र...लीयमानेव who, showering tears accumulated (सम्पिण्डित ) on the ends of her eyelashes, as if melted away. Tears that rose in her eyes are represented as if due to her melting away ( by the fire of grief). उत्पीड्य... वेगेन who was as if squeezed by the force of the sorrow that swelled within her.Ar. 'कदलीकाण्डमृणालिकादीनि कोमलसरसानि वस्तूनि बलवतोत्पीड्यमानानि द्रवं विमुञ्चन्ति तद्वद्रृवतीति भावः'. H. 15—17 तथैव...उपावेश्य placing upon her creeper-like arm, that rested upon the cloth hanging down from the rope attached to the centre ( नाभि ) of the canopy (वितानं) over the raised platform (वेदिका ), her face as if it (face) > were a red lotus a little darkened by tying struck with water on a lotus plant that sprang from a stream of clear water. The white cloth on which her arm rested is compared to a Stream of clear water. Her slender arm is like a lotus stalk. Her rosy face darkened by sorrow is compared to a red lotus darkened by being struck by water, उत्कीर्णेव like one engraved. P. 4. 1. 19 — p. 5. 1. 17 अहं तु ... मपृच्छत्. — this refers to पत्रलेखा herself who is talking to चन्द्रपीड. गरीयः ( comparative of गुरु ) very important. आलन्बनं support. विनोदः diversion, means of solace. यदुत namely. नितरां ver y much, तथाहि to explain. अनेन refers to संकल्पमयः प्रियः-'. H- 22—24 अनेन... सुरतानि In this sentence she contrasts the union with a सङ्कल्पमयप्रिय lover with the union of a real lover. To win over a real lover, a woman has to send दूतीs, she has to appoint a time when only she can meet him, the union takes place only for a time and violates chastity. But in the case of union with सङ्कल्पमयप्रिय, there is nothing of this. अकृतं दूतिकायाः पादपतनमेव दैन्यं येषु in which there is no (necessity for) incurring the humility of falling at the feet (of the lover) on the part of the go-between. अकामलरमणीयानि charming on account of their being had at any time. स्वेच्छया यदभिसरणं (approaching a lover) तस्य सौख्यं येषु. आदिपितः कन्यकाभावः येषु in which maidenly purity is not violated, p. 4. 1. 24. — p. 5. 1. 2. सुरतेषु...विलसितानि. अकृतं स्तनव्यवधान दुःखं येषु. Ar. comments 'प्रायः कवयो हारचन्दनकुङ्कुमा-दीन्यालिङ्गनव्यव-धायकानि वर्णयन्ति ।... अत्र स्तनावेव स्वयधायकावुक्तौ । अस्या-यमभिप्रायः-गाढालिङ्गनावसरे दम्पत्योः परस्परमन्तरात्मन्यनुप्रवेशाभिनिवेशो भवति