
विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

आत्मनः पृथक्वेन चोपदिश्यते ' न हि विज्ञातुर्विज्ञातेर्विपरिलोपो वेिद्यते ' इति ॥ ' योऽयं विज्ञानमयः ' इति ज्ञानमात्रव्यपदेशः कथमित्यत्राह-

तद्गुणसारत्वात्तु1 तद्व्यपदेशः प्राज्ञवत् ॥ २९ ॥

ज्ञानगुणसारत्वादात्मनो 2ज्ञानमेिति व्यपदेशः, यथा प्राज्ञस्य विपश्चितोऽपि ' सत्यं ज्ञानम् ' इति ॥ The self is taught to be different from the knowledge in the scriptural text, ' There is no cessation of the knowledge of the knower' (Brh. IV.3-30). How then is it possible to explain the statement that the self is only mere knowledge, as found in the scriptural text. ' He is the only knowledge ' (Brh. IV.3-7). It is replied thus :-

29. Tadgunasaratvattu tadyapadesah prajnavat

But the self is designated as the knowledge; because he has that knowledge for his essential quality ; as in the case of the intelligent Highest Self (Prajna).
The self is designated as knowledge; because he has knowledge as his essential quality. As regards the intelligent Self (Brahman). it is so stated in the scriptural text, ' The Brahman ' is the Truth, knowledge ' (Tait. I-2-1).
1 तु ०mitted M 1. 2ज्ञानादि A1 M 2.