
विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

नाणुरतच्छूतेरिति चेत्; न, इतराधिकारात् ॥ २२ ॥

' स वा एष महानज आत्मा ' इति श्रुतेर्नाणुरिति चेत्; न, ' यस्यानुवित्तः प्रतिबुद्ध आत्मा ' इति परमात्माधिकारात् ।

स्वशब्दोन्मानाभ्यां च ॥ २३ ॥

' एषोऽणुरात्मा ' इत्यणुशब्दात् ' आराग्रमात्रो ह्यवरः ' इत्युद्धृत्य1मानाच्चाणुरात्मा ॥

22.Nanuratacchruteriti cenna, itaradhikarat

If it be said that the individual selves are notatomic in size, on account of the scriptural statement of what is not that ; we say no, on account of the other's being in the topic.

The individual selves are not atomic in size ; because there is the scriptural text, ' Verily He is infinite, unborm Self' (Brh. IV-4-22). This is not so, because the context refers to the Highest Self. This is seen in the text, ' By whom this Self is understood and meditated ' (Brh. VI-4-13).

23. Svasabdonmanabhyam ca

And on account of the use of the word referring to him and his measurement. The word ' atomic ' is used in the scriptural text, ' This self of atomic size ' (Mund. III-1-9). In another text the self is described thus– ' He is of the size of the point of a goad or even subtler than it ' (Sve. V-9). Hence the self is atomic in size

1उन्मानशब्दाच्च Pr.