
विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

109 P. 256. L. 8-9 (Verse 55). Noblo lady! Your virtues in- deed are celestial and the sinful earth is not a fit residence for them-~-still faithful dame it ill-behoves you to enjoy the heavenly bliss and leave the dear husband hehind. पतित्रतात्वं जीवति पतौ परलोकसुखानुभवानौचित्य प्रति हेतुः- "आत्त मुदिता हृष्टे प्रोपिते मलिना कृशा। मृते म्रियेत या पत्यौ सा स्त्री ज्ञेया पतिव्रता ॥"-Harita. अमिताक्षरावृत्तं.-"प्रमिताक्षरा सजससैः कथिता." स, ज, स, स, (.7). काव्य- लिङ्गश्वालङ्कारः P. 956. L. 12-13 (Verse 56). We should at once proceed thither but he swoons! Ah! woe me! it seems that our exertions are frustrated on all sides.-[सर्वतोमुखं.] Facing in all directions, com- plete. प्रयत्रवैफल्यं refers to Pilaka's murder ke. &c. P. 256. L. 14. For अजां &c. cf. Mudraricks asa p. 262. P, 256... 17. प्रतिवचनं.] Answer. P.256. L. 20. [घेलाञ्चलं] Hein of the gurment. 'चलो नीचेऽधमे त्रियु, नपुंसकं तु बसने इति मेदिनी. अश्चलं- border or ben of the garment. 2. 257. L. 6. [भिनत्वेन चित्ताधिरोहण] To mount a separate pile is sinful for a Brithman-wife.Cf.- "पृथक् चिति समारुह्य न विप्रा गन्तुमर्हनि। अन्यासालेय नारीण स्त्रीधर्मोऽयं परः स्मृतः ॥" P.257. L.20. [तिलोदकं] Water with sesumum-seed offered to the dead as a libation. ___P.2,58. L. 12-13 ( Verse:57). Jy dearest. love, what frenzy drove thee to have recource to such desperate resolve whilst thy lord survived ? Does the lotus close its petals (lit, eyes) whikt yet the Sun is riding along tle sky ( lit. hay not disupresered). प्रेयसि -The first is Voe. and the veed loe..--[व्यवसाय Deterini- nation, resolve. Cf.--'मन्दीचकार मरणव्यवसायबुद्धि'-Kumāra. IV. 45. इन्द्रवजा metre, प्रतिवस्तूपमालङ्कारः, यमकोऽपि. P.259.L.2. संविधानक] Unusual occurrencs', strange act. P. 250. L. 9. [विष्ट्या जीवित०] The interpolution ends here. P. 250. I. 20. [कुलपति] The thead or chief of the monasteries. P. 260. L. I. [दण्डपालका] Hack magistrate. P. 260 . 9-12 (Verse b8). My character is proved stain- less; my foe lying prostrate on my feet obtained liberty at my hands. King Aryaka, my dearest friend, hus uporooted his foes and rules orer the universe. My love l meet again und you are my intimate friend; what else remains as yet unattainud that I should asic for your idulgence -[प्रोत्खाता]-प्रोरखातं उत्पारित अरीणां शत्रणां मूलं येन सः स्रग्धरा metre (म, र, भ, न, य, थ, य) (7,7,7.) 10